South Africa

The national curriculum will enable both leaners and educators to understand what is require of them to achieve before examinations.

Nautical Science (GRADE 12)

Topic 1 Nautical Navigation Analyse and compare navigation systems, their principles of operation, strengths and shortcomings.
Synthesise information about the altitude and bearings of the sun from a variety of sources including navigational instruments, nautical tables, nautical publications and observation of the sun and plot the position of the vessel on a mercator plotting sheet.
Apply data obtained through navigational instruments (compass and sextant), from nautical tables and publications and the observation of the sun to fix the position of a vessel anywhere at sea.
Topic 2 Seamanship Evaluate the factors and forces affecting the stability of ships including the hull stresses, loadlines and zones and the effect of handling and stowing of cargo or ballast.
Compare and contrast the methods of loading, stowage and discharging cargo on and from various types of commercial vessel.
Analyse and evaluate the safety procedures needed to ensure safety on board.
Investigate the development of a human rights approach to sea-going employment to avoid exploitation.
Investigate the effect of pollution caused by ships on the environment and recommend possible preventative measures.
Topic 3: Meteorology Access and apply information of various weather phenomena to determine their effect on planned passages.
Explain the system of weather reporting used at sea.
Categorise the weather patterns found in various parts of the globe and their impact on shipping.
Predict the action to be taken by ships when faced with adverse weather conditions.
Topic 4: Maritime Communications Analyse and evaluate the effective communication practices using an automated system to ensure safety on board a vessel.
Analyse and explain the concept, organisation and operation of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System used at sea.
Draft emergency messages ready for transmission and explain the procedure for their use.