South Africa

The national curriculum will enable both leaners and educators to understand what is require of them to achieve before examinations.

History (GRADE 12)

How did the Cold War period shape international relations after the Second World War?  
The origins of the Cold War (Overview; source-based questions; a broad narrative)  
Extension of the Cold War  
Case study: China (examined each year as an option to Vietnam.)  
How did China rise as a world power after 1949?  
Case study: Vietnam (Examined each year as an option to China)  
How was a small country like Vietnam able to win a war against the USA? (1954 to 1975)  
How was independence realised in Africa in the 1960s and 1970s?  
What were the ideas that influenced the independent states?  
Comparative case studies (1960 to 1980) as examples to illustrate the political, economic, social and cultural successes
and challenges in independent Africa (1960 to 1980).
The successes and challenges faced by independent Africa?  
What was the impact of the internal and external factors on Africa during the time?
Africa in the Cold War: USSR, USA, Cuba, China and South Africa
Case study: Angola
What forms of civil society protest emerged from the 1960s to 1990?
Background and focus
Introduction: Overview of civil society protests  
Case Study: the US Civil Rights Movement  
Case Study: the Black Power Movement  
What was the nature of the civil society resistance after the 1960s?
Background and focus
The challenge of Black Consciousness to the Apartheid state  
The crisis of Apartheid in the 1980s  
How did South Africa emerge as a democracy from the crises of the 1990s, and how did South Africans come to
terms with the Apartheid past?
Background and focus
The negotiated settlement and Government of National Unity  
How has South Africa chosen to remember the past?
The Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
How has the world changed since the 1960s?
Background and focus
The end of the Cold War: The events of 1989  
A new world order