South Africa

The national curriculum will enable both leaners and educators to understand what is require of them to achieve before examinations.

Maritime Economics(GRADE 12)

Maritime World: Differentiate between the main types of marine propulsion systems.
Maritime World: Analyse and use graphic displays of information and text from a variety of sources.
Maritime World: Analyse the issues pertaining to the international employment of seafarers.
Shipping Operations: Analyse and evaluate intermodal transport systems.
Shipping Operations: Explain and discuss issues relating to the registration of ships and the role of classification societies.
Shipping Operations: Apply the correct INCOTERMS to case studies in cargo logistics, especially in the context of container shipping
Shipping Operations: Use information relating to marine insurance effectively to discuss case studies involving various aspects of maritime risk, including general average.
Shipping Operations: Apply knowledge relating to ship chartering in lay time calculations.
International Trade: Critically interrogate the notion of fair trade with special reference to human rights issues.
International Trade: Evaluate the strategic importance of convergence zones in the historical context and in current global politics.
International Trade: Discuss the conference line system, with reference to examples of advantages and disadvantages of this system.
International Trade: Discuss elementary aspects of South African Maritime law and how it conforms to international law, conventions and regulations.
Maritime Environmental Challenges: Recommend solutions regarding environmental aspects which could be affected by maritime operations e.g. oil pollution, waste disposal, ballast water discharge
Maritime Environmental Challenges: Apply meteorological knowledge to maritime weather forecasting, shipping routing and other operations.
Maritime Environmental Challenges: Investigate and suggest solutions regarding human rights and fair trade issues around the fishing industry and the import-export industry
Maritime Environmental Challenges: Promote responsible attitudes towards the marine environment.